Classes, Activities & Trips
Useful Information....
Mildred Franks Community Development Corporation
Senior Program offers a variety of social and recreational
activities. Check out our monthly calendar of events
(PDF) for days and times.,,
Food: Lunch, Supper Club, Monthly Birthday and Anniversary Celebrations...
MF-CDC Senior classes for all ages... The list below is a sample of what's available. Full class schedules are available in the bi-monthly TMFF brochure available for pick-up...
interested in enhancing their language skills. Open to serious Spanish enthusiasts who speak at an intermediate level...
Trips & Tours:
MF-CDCSenior Activity offers lunch and dinner excursions, short one-day trips which normally require walking, bus tours, and overnight and extended travel opportunities. Join us on one of our fun-filled adventures!
Dine outs
Day Van Trips
One Day Bus Tours: Bus tours are usually one-day trips on a chartered bus. You will enjoy a day with other seniors throughout the area. These tours can take you as far north
as Canada and as far south as Vancouver...
You can count on being treated like royalty...
Overnight and Extended Travel: These trips are usually 2-3 days and up to 10 days depending on our destination. We offer travel opportunities near and far...
Join us as we explore the world...
The National Do Not Call Registry
gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls...
Someone pretending to be from the FTC is sending out fake emails telling people that their Do Not Call registration is expiring.
Registrations never expire. Once you add a number to the Do Not Call Registry, you do not need to register it again.
You can register your home or mobile phone for free...
After you register, other types of organizations may still call you, such as charities, political groups, debt collectors and surveys. To learn more, read our FAQs.
If you received an unwanted call after your number was on the National Registry for 31 days, report it to the FTC.
Sellers and telemarketers:
Go to https://telemarketing.donotcall.gov to access the National Do Not Call Registry...
AARP Driver Safety - This nationally acclaimed course provides senior-aged drivers an opportunity to learn how to drive more efficiently and safely.
Spanish Study Group - This group is meant for individuals who are interested in enhancing their language skills. Open to serious Spanish enthusiast who speak at an intermediate level...
Water color - Enjoy a relaxed, friendly, comfortably structured class open to all levels of ability.
Acrylic Painting - Learn the basics of this very versatile medium, so you are able to create beautiful artwork
Coffee hour with the Mayor and/or Council members - The North Lawndale and Austin Community is growing and changing daily... To help keep you up-to-date and informed of issues, join us at a monthly coffee hour...
Silver Sneakers - The Mildred Franks Senior Activity Center is now eligible to be a Silver Sneakers site. This gives adults 55 and over who are on Medicare access to the Silver Sneakers classes (PDF) for no cost if they have supplemental health plans from AARP Medicare Complete by United Healthcare, Group Health, Health Alliance Medicare, Humana, Premera Blue Cross, Providence Health Plan, Regence Blue Shield of Illinois...
Line dancing - Learn the hottest new line dances while getting lots of exercise...
Beginners welcome...
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Medicare - it's not just Part A Hospital and Part B medical insurance. If your parent is considered low income, receiving only social security, Medicare may subsidize all but about $10/mo in premiums. Ask and you may find a great cost saving for your parent. www.medicare.gov
Social Security - SSI (supplemental security income) may be available to your parent if their social security income was earned on lower paying jobs and is their only source of income. www.ssa.gov/ssi/
Administration on Aging (AOA) - Administers many national programs and services for elders including health insurance counseling, legal assistance, protection from elder abuse and long term care. Check out their website at www.aoa.gov
Department of Veteran Affairs - there are several types and levels of compensation programs available for veterans with service related disabilities. Contact the VA for more information www.va.gov
HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability act of 1996 provides everyone with privacy of their medical records. Unless your parent has signed a form designating you as approved to discuss their medical issues with their physician, their physician CANNOT discuss your parent's medical condition even if you prove you are a family member. These forms are available at www.hhs.gov/ocr/hipaa/
U.S. Department of Justice - If your parent has a disability, especially limiting mobility, learn about the Americans with Disability Act administered by the US Department of Justice. The ADA website provides access to a lot of useful information. Go to www.ada.gov.
Food and Drug Administration - Chances are, your parents are taking multiple medications with multiple side effects. In order to avoid polypharmacy (dangerous drug interactions) go to the Food and Drug Administration website to access their database with important information on every drug approved by the agency, www.fda.gov.
Your U.S. Senator- . Every senator has staff that can both advise and advocate for benefits or services for your parent. Check www.senate.gov to find the senators for your parents' state and then click the senators' tab.
Your Congressional Representative- Most representatives have staff specialists on elder affairs, programs and services and can provide both information and advocacy. Check www.house.gov to find the representatives for your parents' state and district.
Area Agency on Aging- This federally mandated agency is in every city or county. The agency is staffed by professionals who are well versed in every elder program and service available in your parent's area, including funding sources. They can assist with applications to various programs. Check your phone book for the local office or try www.n4a.org/ (National Association of Area Agencies on Aging)...
The NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) has an excellent booklet with a list of State Insurance Departments, Agencies on Aging and State Health Insurance Assistance Programs. For a free copy of this booklet call Jennifer at 631-262-7167 or email @ Jennifer.Lenihan@ltcfp.net. For more information visitwebsite at www.LTCJennifer.com.
The Illinois Department on Aging helps older adults live independently in their own homes and communities. As the population ages, services and programs for older adults must evolve as well because longevity means more when the quality of life is enhanced. To best serve older adults, we must also serve their families and teach younger people about the realities of aging, so many of our programs have an intergenerational emphasis. Working with Area Agencies on Aging, community-based service providers and older adults themselves, the Illinois Department on Aging strives to improve quality of life for current and future generations of older Illinoisans...