Studies suggest that 15.5 million children in the U.S. witness domestic violence annually. By age 17, over one-third of America’s children will have been exposed to domestic violence. Witnessing violence can have a lasting impact on a child, and can result in fractured relationships, poor academic success, and even health problems that can last long into adulthood...
TMFF works to promote resiliency for children exposed to violence. We’re working at the forefront of policy and research to advance promising practices in health care, education, law enforcement, and in the community that help children and youth heal and thrive...
We believe in starting early, and investing in prevention strategies that promote healthy parent-child relationships, friendships, and dating relationships. We honor the lived experiences of victims and survivors of violence and partner with organizations to advance systems and social norms change. Working with violence prevention advocates and educators, TMFF has worked to break the cycle of violence by developing groundbreaking programs to prevent teen dating violence and promote healthy relationships
The Mildred Franks Foundation Street Outreach is a vital part of building comprehensive support systems for those we serve. By walking into the community and bringing services directly to this population, we can identify men, women, and children who have survived domestic and sexual violence but were unaware of their options for safety.I'm a paragraph...
Domestic Violence:
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-SAFE (7233), 800-787-3224 (TTY) 800-942-6908 (Spanish)
This 24/7 hotline provides crisis intervention in both English and Spanish, and referrals to local services and shelters for victims of partner or spousal abuse. Trained volunteers are available to connect people with emergency help in their own communities, including emergency services and shelters.
Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-829-1122
STAND Against Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline: 888-215-5555
SafeQuest Crisis Line: 866-487-7233 (4UR-SAFE)
This is a 24-hour crisis intervention line for people who are victims of relationship violence or sexual abuse. Emergency response is offered nationwide, and California residents may receive state-certified emergency shelter and other support services, free of charge.
*Remember…help is a phone call away...
In any crisis, if you are in immediate danger, call 911.
If you cannot call 911, proceed to the nearest Hospital Emergency Room to ask for assistance... Regardless of the type of crisis, the Emergency staff will contact whichever branch of crisis intervention service is appropriate to get you the help you need...
If you cannot locate a Hospital Emergency Room, proceed to the nearest Fire Station or nearest Police Station, where the staff will provide help and connect you with the appropriate crisis intervention service you need...
Parents: Start Relating Before They Start Dating.
Welcome to one of the most challenging phases of parenting—adolescence.
In all likelihood, your young teen is experiencing significant emotional, psychological and physical changes. And, while your teen needs you more than ever to help them through this challenging time, they are also seeking independence and turning to peers. While it may seem easier to let your teen shake you loose, hang on. They really do need you.
Right now, your teen is forming relationships that set the stage for future relationships. Given that 1 in 5 high schoolers experience dating violence, you’ll want to be sure you do your part to help your child understand what a healthy relationship feels and looks like. Below you’ll find information and tools to help you talk to your kids about healthy relationships, guidelines on how to navigate their world of cell phones and social networking and how to talk to your kids about being an upstander vs. a bystander when it comes to bullying.
Starting the Conversation Early
Warning Signs
Get Help
If you suspect your teen may be a victim of abuse, you are the most important resource and advisor for your child. If you need support there are people and resources available to help. Remind your teen that he or she deserves a violence free relationship and that abuse is NEVER appropriate and NEVER their fault.
If you think your son or daughter may be controlling, abusive, or violent with his or her partner, tell your child that abuse and violence are NOT acceptable and that violence will not solve problems. Let him or her know when you truly care for someone you don’t hurt them or try to control them. Abuse is a choice and there are resources and counselors that can help him or her understand the consequences, the alternatives to violence, and how to stop the abuse.
If your teen isn’t ready to openly communicate with you about his or her relationship, let him or her know there are confidential resources and trained individuals available to answer questions and help avoid unhealthy relationships. Pass on the information below, but let your teen know you are always available to talk.
If at any time you feel that you or your teen are in immediate danger, call 911.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-SAFE (7233)
800-787-3224 TTY
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) Hotline
800-656-HOPE (4673)
We’re not just a safe place, but a place to grow, learn, and find help. All services are professional, free and voluntary. Services are available for all survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
Please add your voice to our call to end Sexual and Gender Based-Violence!
I recognize rape, abuse and other forms of gender-based violence are happening in my community, in my school and in my church/synagogue/mosque/faith community. Ignoring the problem only perpetuates it. We must unite and raise our voices...This is our pledge:
We will speak out. We will be silent no more...
We stand together in solidarity with the most vulnerable...
We dedicate ourselves to finding lasting solutions...
We will promote laws that model, protect and promote justice, enable healthy relationships… and challenge those that don’t...
We will work to ensure that these laws are enforced...
We commit to take action together to see all girls, women, boys and men freed from the threat and impact of sexual violence across the world...
Youth Voices:
Adults can’t do it alone... Youth also play an important role in strengthening programs and improving youth outcomes. We created Youth Engaged 4 Change for teens and young adults who make change happen every day... Visit the site and share it with young change makers you know...
Below, young people share their experiences and perspectives on what makes a difference for youth engaged in change. Learn from their stories. While you are at it, take a minute to nominate young change makers in your community!!!
Helping survivors of Sexual Abuse & Assault
Claire Willis
Outreach Director | Helping Survivors